3 reasons to see «flight 93»

On September 11, 2001, four aircraft were captured. Three of them have achieved their goals. This film is about the fourth.

  • Fourth. On September 11, 2001, four aircraft were captured. Three of them have achieved their goals. This film is about the fourth. About the plane on board whose ordinary passengers prevented the planes of terrorists. About those who refused to be an instrument and chose a mortal fate, because I realized: there are things worse than death.
  • Author’s courage. There are no celebrities in the picture. And that’s right: after all, the film is that the story is not made by stars, but ordinary people with their courage and self -sacrifice.
  • The reality of time. The film goes an hour and a half, exactly as much as flight 93 flights lasted. But there is another reality of time: the US cinemas refused to show the advertising video of flight 93, because the audience cried on it. Managers said that the pain did not have time to become a story, which is too early to do about it films. But the picture itself, like spectator tears, is not the best monument to those people who have already gone in history? And our centuries, real time.

Director: Paul Greengrass.

Cast: Lewis Alsamari, Trish Gates, Chainn Jackson, Christian Clemenson and others.

At the box office since May 25.

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